
Troop 80 was founded in 1958 by Jim Galbreath, who served for many years and started many of our Troop customs like tarp camping and backpacking. The photo above includes Jim, with scouts, in Lassen Park in 1966.

Troop 80 is a small troop but has approached 40+ scouts at times. In 2011 it consisted of only thirteen scouts, but some of them were very active, and the population grew consistently to the mid 30's in 2018.

Although the troop does not stress advancement, Troop 80 enjoys an Eagle rate that is twice the national average. Our 100th eagle scout will be awarded before 2020.

In recent years, common events or locations have include: Rock climbing in the bay area and Joshua Tree National Park, backpacking in the High Sierra mountain ranges, family camping trips, weekend backpacking trips around the Bay Area, canoe camping in foothill reservoirs weekend camping at Laurwood ranch, east of Mt. Hamilton. From Troop 80's beginning, Lassen Park has been visited regularly.

Troop 80 is chartered by the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. View. Troop 80 is part of the Pacific Skyline Council, Stanford District. This council operates service centers in Palo Alto and Foster City, as well as camps in the area.

Scoutmasters(in chronological order):

  • Jim Galbreath 1958 - 1997(?)
  • Gary Pruitt 1997 - 2003
  • Duane Anderson 2003 - 2006
  • Tom Rodeheffer 2006 - 2011
  • John Loud 2012 - 2014
  • Stephen Sherman 2014 - 2016
  • Jason Lester 2016 - 2018
  • Adrian Kok 2019 - present